Tuesday, October 31, 2017

An Insignificant Supporter

An Insignificant Supporter
(Open letter to AK & KV)
Dear Arvindji,
I am an insignificant supporter of AAP, based out of Chicago. I have supported AAP monetarily & by various intangible means. I did this & will continue to do so for my conscience & not a favor to anyone. I write this letter to give you a 10,000 ft view, because sometimes if you are so close to a situation you may not get a clear view.
Getting to the direct core of the message – I strongly believe Kumar Vishvasji should be one of your Rajya Sabha representative & if your heart is bigger you should nominate Yogendra Yadavji & Prashant Bhushanji as well. However the least you can do is to include Kumar Vishvasji. I have visualized him tearing the opposition apart in Rajyasabha & it will break a lot of heart if this don’t happen. I understand that there might be lot of things (Conspiracies, Misunderstandings) that would have happened among all of you guys, but you should rise above all that to take a decision that is better in long term perspective.
Dear Kumar Vishvasji,
You are a problem solver. I believe there is no alternative to you for Rajya Sabha seat. However, if for whatever reason, it do not happen. Please stay cool & not leave the party for the bigger goal.
I will still support AAP with you, without you or Arvindji, because AAP is a party with a difference.
I think, I resonate the voice of many insignificant supporters.

Kishore Jhunjhunwala